We're parked at Hidden Ridge RV "Resort" located about mid-way between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids Michigan. The move here was made necessary by the Labor Day weekend crowd reserving every single site at Markin Glen County Park, our usual K-zoo stop (and where we were until this past Friday). We have a great spot here at Hidden Ridge, on a ridge overlooking a pond... but we're certainly paying for it. No free scenery here, that's for sure.
Dar's about finished going through our stuff in her Sister's basement. She has reduced the pile by a noticeable amount, but it's still a much larger pile than I was hoping for. It amazes me how so many things we haven't used, looked at, or thought about for 5 years, still have the power to exert a "pull" on us... to manipulate us into keeping it a while longer. I've always believed that everything we have, that we own, consumes some small amount of personal freedom-robbing energy. And this experience does nothing to change that belief. At least there is a plan, a multi-year plan, to move some of it to our kids in the Northwest, some of it to one of our future base-camps, and some of it to friends and family who'll give it a better home.
Today is Labor Day. We're planning to spend one last pleasant afternoon with Jack and Cher, our gracious hosts here in K-zoo, while we leave the highways to all those forced to race back to their normal lives. Tomorrow everything becomes calmer for RV fulltimers like us. We're planning to meander North, toward the Mackinac Bridge and into the land known as the Upper Peninsula, where we'll hang out for a couple weeks. By mid September Fall should be evident, dry technicolor trees, shorter days, overnight temps dropping into the 30s... it's what we're here to experience this year.