Oct 19 - Rain Drops and Ink Drops

"I will not complain about the weather... I will not complain about the weather... I will not complain..." 

We're thoroughly enjoying our Midwest Fall experience this year. Wonder why we haven't lingered longer here in previous years. We've had some very nice days, with full sun, mild breezes, cool at night and warm during the day. Not as many as we'd like but...

"... I will not complain..." 

the old i70... in better days
Our Canon i70 printer finally crapped out for good the other day. We've carried this old guy around since the beginning and even though we don't use a printer much, it has performed admirably for us for more than 5 years... and actually some few years before that even.  Tried what I could (which wasn't much) to rescue and resuscitate it, but it passed over to the other side and was buried in a local landfill after a brief service. No tears please. It had a good life.

Our requirements for a printer is that it be small and portable. Cheap would be good too. But if "small" and "cheap" can't be found in one package, we'll opt for "small" as we're already preparing for "Sabbatical II" in a significantly downsized camper. There won't be room for much during S-II and what we do take will have to be very compact.

Actually, it wouldn't take much for me to be convinced we don't need a printer at all. Except for those few times there's a legal document to sign and return... or that special someone I live with needs to print out a portion of her family tree research. You know, things like that. We almost never print photos, opting instead to keep them in digital format so they can be organized and shared online. When we do need to print pics we send them off to the nearest Walgreen's who will take care of the task for less than 25 cents each. It's a heck of a deal as far as I'm concerned.

Walk through the printer aisle of your local Best Buy or equivalent and you'll find no shortage of oversized multi-function machines (nee "printers")  that look like they were designed by a team from Texas (where big is better, humongous is best, and useless features and functions are a lifestyle). Had to resort to an online purchase of a Canon iP100 to get close to what we wanted. And even it had grown larger compared to it's ancient ancestor... our old i70. Whad'ya gonna do?

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