Oct 20 - South, maybe East-ish First

Rockport Beach 2007
The first Winter of our Sabbatical (the Winter of '07/'08) we wandered pretty much aimlessly through the South from November thru February. Moving from East to West, we hit all the southern-tier States from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I say "aimlessly", meaning we really had no pre-set plan, no reservations, nor any per-conceived ideas of what we were doing. It was great.

During that Winter we did stop for a few weeks in Rockport Texas, where we spent the holidays and met a bunch of new RVing buddies. Mostly snowbirds, they are an enjoyable group... so much so that we found ourselves spending most of the following 4 winters right back there at Sandollar Resort. We had fallen into snowbird mode and found ourselves in the same spot for three months each of those winters.

But not this year.

Perhaps we're trying to regain that feeling of discovery and adventure we felt during our first year on the road... chasing that first "high"... but this year will be more like our first. Our very rough plan is to spend the core of Winter '12/'13 traveling through the south, trying not to stay in any one place longer than a week or so. It's what we set out to do when we began all those years ago. It's back to our roots.

At first we thought we'd pretty much head right for Arizona. We're really growing to like the desert during winter and being able to spend months there is an attractive thought.

But now we're thinking we'll head to the Southeast first... to see some very good friends... before pointing west and making the crawl to Arizona.

Whatever we finally decide... we're re-energized and excited to get back on the road. Only a couple weeks to go.

1 comment:

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Good luck in your travels, hope you discover all kinds of neat things as you wander. We love that mode of travel. :c)

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