October 14 - I'm Back

Rather than one long post (and, I fear, it would be very long) in which I try to cover this blog's recent dry spell, how about I break it down into a series of shorter posts as I attempt to bring the record up-to-date over the next few days. Maybe by then we'll be close enough to getting our Fall travels underway and there'll be more time to write... and more to write about.

Regular readers of this blog know that I've had periods in the past when writing has been a struggle. Without exception, those spells are associated with periods of time when we're sitting in one spot for a while. Probably because I don't have a clear purpose for the blog (is it a travelogue?.. a diary??... who really is the audience???) the words won't flow. I want to keep it interesting and fresh, but unlike some others in bloggerville who have no problem writing the same tiresome daily drivel... day after day after boring day, I just can't do it. I'm not a small talk kind of person. Think I'd rather give it up and close it down altogether if that's all I had to write about.

Anyway, here's our setting and current status: We're still in Beaver Dam Wisconsin, and probably will be until early November. We still have the bushouse and have decided to keep it here until next Spring/Summer. I'll go into that subject with a later post. Alongside the bushouse is our new Northstar truck camper, which is another story I'll cover in a post or two in the next few days. Our energies now are going into getting the bushouse prepared for a lonely cold Winter and getting the new camper ready for 5 or 6 months of travel. Most know how projects and tasks "bunch up" as deadlines near... and that's part of the urgency we're feeling right now as we scramble during the next two or three weeks to wrap everything up.

So bear with me as I get my writing muscle and fingers back to strength. Thank you for checking in.


  1. I really enjoy your writing, glad
    to see you back in the saddle.

    No worries about taking some time
    off, it is your life, you set your
    own rules.

    I am happy you are back sharing and
    I look forward to your future

  2. It's nice to read your blogs when you feel like posting them. Your new home on wheels is a really nice looking rig. I'm hoping you will blog about the adjustments from a bus to a camper, a nice one at that too. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)

  3. Looking forward to seeing what the next chapter holds for you both. After downsizing for this coming winter you might make the decision of using one unit for winter travels and the other for summer explorations. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. That's a pretty sharp looking new rig there, Thom. Can't wait to see how Phase II of the Sabbatical unfolds.


  5. The boys keep asking when you are going to be here...well, Evan more than Ryan as Ryan understands the "when" and also checks in on you guys through your blog.
    Evan is anxious to see his Papa Thom and Gramma Dar as are we!!

  6. Thanks folks for your kind words.

    Andi Nichole... tell those boys we'll be there as fast as we can.
