June 18 - Lowman to Salmon ID

Mountain View CG to Morgan’s Bar CG BLM near Salmon ID.
A real deal at $2.50 after Senior Pass Discount.
184 Miles today

Got a late start… one of our party slept until after 9am. This mountain air is certainly agreeable.

Just an outstanding drive through the mountains and wilderness areas of Central Idaho today. Forests, mountains of every color, sage covered high desert, and high passes kept our attention. Just loved it all.

History class today included courses on an old historic dam near Sunbeam and a now unused bathhouse built by the CCC back in the 30s to provide travelers with hot water therapy… courtesy of Mother N’s hot springs bubbling out of a hill on the side of the road. The hot springs are still flowing... but bypassing the old CCC building and into the nearby stream. A soak would have been welcomed at that point in our day.

Not much traffic and a lot to look at today.

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