June 20 - Mesa Falls and West Side of Tetons

Clark Canyon Reservoir CG to Trail Creek CG NFS near Victor ID
231 miles today
elevation: 6700
N43.540; W111.038
Weather: Mix of sun and clouds; warm.

Camped at Trail Creek CG (NFS) just outside Victor; site #7 no … #6 no … #5. $6

Highlights of Day:
Again, the varied geography in this part of the world is amazing. Deep in the mountains for a while but in just a short while we’re among flat agricultural fields irrigated by runoff from the aforementioned mountains.

Stopped at a king-sized waterfall called Mesa Falls. As waterfalls go this one ranks right up there near the upper bracket. A bit out of our way but worth it.

ID-33 runs north/south along the eastern edge of the Grand Tetons. The afternoon sun lit-up the western side of those jagged snow covered peaks… a scene unseen by most who only view them from the east side… from within Grand Teton National Park. There are a few trails through the mountains but I think I’ll have to get into better shape before even thinking about that. It’s tempting though.

Found a sign a few miles out of Victor leading us to Trail Creek CG in the National Forest. Determined it was agreeable and grabbed site 7. Campground host came by and told us site 7 was reserved. Hmmm. The tag said last camper had left this morning. Turns out a second tag was behind the first and there was a reservation for tonight. OK, we’ll move to… site 6. Fine. Ten minutes later the campground host came by apologizing profusely… he forgot to put new tags out today and this site was reserved too. Hmmm. OK… I guess we’ll move to site...5. “Are you sure this one’s OK?” “Yep”. For our trouble he agreed to give us whatever wood we needed for a campfire. Unfortunately, the wood was not seasoned (dried) and that, combined with a 6700 foot elevation (less Oxygen), it was all I could do to get a couple hotdogs warmed. More smoke than heat.

A few pics from the day...

Upper Mesa Falls

The Tetons from the west side... a view not many foks see.

Brand spanking new mountains.

Trail Creek CG (NFS)

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