Making our Way Back Home

Tonight we're resting near Hawthorne NV after two days of driving. Pulled out of North Ranch Congress a little after 8am Monday morning and kept a good pace all the way to just short of Las Vegas. There we stopped to have lunch with good friends Doug and Kay. And not only was the conversation lively and interesting, we found a casino buffet on a senior citizens "buy one, get one" day... which means we stuffed ourselves for less than $5 each.

By a little after 3pm we were at the SKP coop park in Pahrump. Checked into "boondocking" and found Jimmy and Julianne... two more good travel friends we cross paths with often. The rest of the night was spent using adult beverages to lubricate some productive conversation. A very enjoyable time for sure.  I did fail to find time or energy to write the promised update post on our days travels.

This morning, Tuesday, we were rolling by a little after 9am on the nearly 300 mile drive to Hawthorne NV.  The sunny start to the day grew cloudier and windier as time went on. (and yes, it was mostly a headwind!)  Nevada has some stunning views along this route... severe steep mountain ranges separated by wide sinking valleys. Towards the end of the drive the high Sierras, snow-covered and stark, form a backdrop... the horizon line... for everything else in the foreground.  Layers of mountain ranges as far as one can see.

Our intention is to continue tomorrow, blowing off a built-in day of rest, to keep the momentum going. We're about half-way and can "smell the barn".