
 Yesterday, Dar and I reserved the day for just the two of us. Far too little traveling lately, maybe too much community involvement, and over-exposure to stupid people who reject facts and science... and probably a few other factors that aren't jumping to mind right now... combined to motivate us to get out for the day and just get away.

A restaurant breakfast on board, and under a clear sky, we soaked in the views and relished the break in routine as we motored along. We checked out a few area campgrounds, but unfortunately, many of these are closed, or in the process of closing, for the season. Add that to the list of unfortunate things that don't make sense on the surface. Autumn can be the best time of year for camping and they're closing the damned campgrounds! But that's another story.

Both the miles and the hours melted away. One thing led to another and later that afternoon the truck was parked at PlankTown Brewing Company in downtown Springfield. Dar and I have always enjoyed these pub stops during our travels. This one, for me, more so than usual. A sudden feeling of happiness flowed through me as I nursed a pint of Sara's Pale Lager beside a background of soft jazz and just the right amount of people din filled the space. It was perfect. I've really missed this. Cheers.

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