Huddled Around the Heater

Special events brought us to Wisconsin early this year. In addition to this past weekends 60th wedding anniversary celebration we have a formal family picture planned and another wedding later this month. Oh, and then Dar's high school class reunion next month, a couple of doctor's appointments, dentist visits, jury duty, and I don't know what all else. As I've mentioned before, we'll be busy.

The early visit to Wisconsin is reminding us just how changeable the weather can be this time of year in these northern latitudes. As I write this Tuesday morning, the wind is howling out of the east and rain is pelting the bus-house. My outdoor thermometer says 43 degrees but it sounds and feels even colder than that. At any rate I'm not planning to move from my warm lair until thing improve.

Mom & Dad's 60th celebration was Sunday and we all had a great time. Dar and I enjoyed seeing and talking to family we hadn't seen in almost a year. The honorees, who desired the celebration be kept low-key, were a bit shocked that many of the grand-kids showed up -- unexpected and the "surprise" element of the day.

Yesterday, Monday, we worked at upgrading the RV pad we put in last summer. Dar's adding a border of  concrete pavers and we're adding a thin layer of pea gravel on top the original coarser gravel to stabilize it and provide a cleaner surface that won't track into the bus-house. If all goes well, and the weather cooperates, we should be able to park on it by the end of the week.

Huddled around the heater...

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