Oil, Grass, and MIFI

What were you thinking?
One day last week we made a run down to Madison on a quest for a bag of high-quality grass. The objective of the quest wasn't ordinary run-of-the-mill grass either. No sir! It's a special mixture that, we found out, is actually a bit hard-to-get. You see, Dar wants to seed the area behind the RV pad at the farm with a low maintenance grass that keeps the weeds under control and doesn't have to be mowed much... if at all. The only place locally that carries it is a farm store near Madison and we dragged home 20 pounds of the stuff. It hasn't all been used yet, but we're both feeling good albeit a bit hungry.

On the same trip we stopped at the Verizon store and decided to replace our 2 yr. old aircard with a new MIFI device. The primary reason for making the switch was the lower priced data package that, for some unknown reason, isn't available with my old aircard. I could have opted for an updated aircard, but chose the MIFI due to it's small size and good customer acceptance. After just a few days of experience, we're happy with the switch. I'm not sure why, but it's far faster than the old aircard at our same location here near Beaver Dam despite being on the same 3G network. We're regularly seeing speeds exceeding 2Mbps and never, ever saw speeds like that before. Hmmm??

We're getting into the core of Summer now and the corn is growing like crazy. It's amazing how fast it grows when it has adequate water and some sun. I thought the later planting this year coupled with more cooler days would make the crop look stunted on July 4 -- for my "knee high by the 4th of July" photo -- and provide for a big difference compared to last years big 8ft high crop on Independence Day. It certainly won't look stunted and the comparison to last year will be much less than I thought.

 Today we're getting ready for "oil change day". I change the crankcase oil in the bushouse motor and generator once per year and tomorrow's the day. Doing the job myself saves us some money and there's the satisfaction of gaining a more intimate connection with the motivating force behind our home-on-wheels. The job also entails changing the generator oil and lubing the chassis. I'm allotting the day but unless problems crop up, should be done in time for an early happy hour.

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