May 1 - An Advance for Position

  • Move from North Salt Lake to Brigham City, UT.
  • Route:  I-15 all the way.
  • Fueled (diesel) at 4.069
  • Miles Today:  52
  • Total Spring12 bus-house miles:  1,815
  • Total Spring12 toad miles :  906
  • Tonight's camp: Golden Spike RV Park in Brigham, UT. elevation 4,230
  • Weather: morning low 51f, high 65f, rain early this morning, then clearing to partly cloudy.
  • Notables:  Found diesel fuel for 4.07
  • Link to photo album for today

Just a short repositioning move today from North Salt Lake to the Brigham City area... 52 miles. During our busy exploring day in SLC yesterday we were able to knock off all three things on our list (a trifecta!!)... making us free to move northward to be in position to visit the Golden Spike National Historic Site in the next day or two.  Even though we're way behind again on journal updates and photo albums, we agreed that if the weather was manageable we'd make the move today giving us more options between working and exploring.

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Over the past few days we observed (maybe perceived is a better word) that fuel prices may be starting to ease somewhat. And our diesel fill today for "only" 4.07 seemed to back that up. So this afternoon I checked the Energy Information Administration website and found that there has indeed been some easing.  Check the graph (left) and you'll find a very slight leveling and downward trending in the past few weeks (2012 is the red line; the blue line is last year). Maybe, just maybe, the dire predictions of $5 or $6 fuel by summer is just more over-reaction by "sky is falling" pundits and the news media looking for an audience.

We think we'll be here for 2 or 3 nights. Our site is a pleasant one, helped out by having no neighbors on either side. There are a couple trees to give us afternoon shade and the perfect place to grill a couple steaks for dinner one night if I find the motivation. Hmmm. BEEF... it's what's for dinner.

7pm addendum
My closing comment in the paragraph above must have had some subliminal affect on me. After Dar returned home from a small shopping spree later this afternoon, we went out to find a couple bottles of wine and some real beer (all beer in Utah grocery stores is 3.2 beer??). Along the way we passed a restaurant that we'd heard about (with high reviews) called Maddox Ranch House. They grow their own beef, a specialty, and the prices are reasonable considering the portion size and the quality of the food.

So that's where we ended up for dinner tonight... and I got my beef-craving satisfied. Dar had a small portion of Prime Rib and I had my old standby... a Filet Mignon.  It was the best beef we've had in a long, long, time.

Now for a long walk around the park.