Nov 6 - Effingham to Cave City

Decided not to partake in a Cracker Barrel breakfast this morning. It probably wasn't in our best interest to take on a load of calories since we were going to be driving and sitting on our butts most of the day. And if you don't burn off the calories you know what happens... just look around.

The route today from Effingham IL had us continuing south on I-57, then east on I-64 (very relaxed and parkway-like) to I-164 down around Evansville IN where we hooked US-41 south for a few miles, crossed into Kentucky and found the Audubon Parkway. When we got to Owensboro we followed the US-60 loop around the south end of the city and eventually got onto the William Natcher Parkway which took us all the way to Bowling Green. A short jaunt north on I-65 took us to Cave City and the Cave Country RV Park. Total distance today was about 320 miles. Once we got off I-57 the traffic was light and the roads were in good shape... one of those very relaxed and comfortable drives.

We're parked near the entrance to Mammoth Cave National Park. And since we're sooo close, we might just as well take a day and go knock another NP off our list. With rain in the forecast for tomorrow what better thing to do than spend the day in a cave.

Another reason for staying in an RV park tonight was so we could plug-in, get good and warm, and watch the big election returns. As I write this, things ain't lookin' good for the Republicans. And regardless of who wins... as I wrote in a post a week or so ago... it ain't lookin' good for the rest of us either.

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