May 6 - Little America to Cheyenne Wyoming

Up until a few years ago I had an iron stomach.  I could eat anything, drink anything, whenever I wanted and in any quantity I wanted... and I'd sleep like a baby. No stomach distress or effects from acid and gas or any of all that fun stuff others grumbled about.  It was something I took for granted and didn't really appreciate... until it was gone.  The iron in my stomach must have rusted with age.

Starting a few years ago I noticed my abilities in this area started to fade.  More problems with falling asleep because of the gas or acid or reflux or whatever rolling around in there and making me uncomfortable.  Tums (or equivalent) help, but when I eat late, eat larger quantities, or eat the "wrong" foods,  getting things to quiet down so I can get some sleep can be a problem.

While I did briefly mention having dinner in the restaurant at Little America last night, I didn't mention that my selection was something most Midwest boys have a weakness for... hot turkey open faced sandwich on hearty white bread accompanied by mashed potatoes and the whole thing smothered in gravy. Oh yum yum.

And I couldn't stop eating it. In retrospect I should have mentally divided it in half, eaten only one half and taken the other half with me for lunch today. That would have been the right thing to do.  But there I was, at 7pm, munching the whole thing down in one sitting. The food was good... no, it was excellent. The result a couple hours later was not. Together, me and my rusted stomach, finally got things settled down about 2am and, by that time, the slumber was really needed.

We (well, Dar...) popped up about 7:30am and started the process of getting us on the road. Moving a little slower I joined her a few minutes later.  About 9:30am we were rolling and headed east again. The route was easy to remember... I-80 all the way to Cheyenne.  Dar drove the first leg and I filled in the rest of the day.

Besides all the spectacular scenery along the way, we ran the bus-house up to I-80's highest elevation along it's coast to coast run... 8,700 feet between Laramie and Cheyenne. Still a good bit of snow up there but the road was in good shape and the bus-house purred along like it was born in the Alps. Total miles today: 280.

We settled in at AB Campground and RV Park on the south side of Cheyenne.  The guy that owns the park was very friendly and helpful and made sure we got into a site that met our needs... level (remember, jack problems?) and facing east or north to keep the intense noon and afternoon sun off our picture window windshield. There aren't a lot of RV parks that get even average reviews in Cheyenne... this one sounded like the best bet for us. And it's a great location for our purpose.

Our goal is to take a break here... about the half-way point on the trek back to Wisconsin... and to see the Wyoming State Capitol.  And there's always plenty of chores and writing and photos to get caught up on.

1 comment:

  1. Having to look for level sites ... remember those when we were operating with one jack leg missing. That problem is no more ... and we hope for a long and level life on the road now ;-)
