I don't know how it happens... "it" being uncanny, mysterious timing. But I'm not one who needs supernatural explanations for weird phenomena, so I'll just call it impeccable timing.
We arrived at the Columbus Wisconsin Amtrak station last Tuesday evening in the middle of a minor blizzard... 7 inches of snow driven by icy 30 mph winds. "Welcome to Wisconsin you soft traitorous weaklings. We'll show you what you've been missing... what we true gritty Wisconsinites endure without nary a whimper or comment. Why, we're proud of our extreme weather... of our ability to take it in stride... of the way it keeps riffraff (like you) away... sort of an environmental Darwinism at work."
For the past week if it hasn't been snowing and blowing, it's been a bit chilly. This morning we woke to -5f (that's 5 below zero for you soft snowbirds). But at least the wind is blowing, hard, out of the Northwest. It's difficult to explain to folks who've never experienced mornings like this, but the clear skies and clean air pouring out of the arctic make for almost unbelievable visibility. If the horizon didn't curve away from view I'm sure we could see all the way to Minneapolis or maybe even Fargo. It's that clear, and a real treat.
The camper is mounted on the truck and ready to go. Unfortunately we're not going anywhere very soon. Another facet of this impeccable timing thing is that my Mom developed a medical problem the day after we arrived. She's still in the hospital. I'm writing this while I'm sitting in her ICU room this morning. There's no sure path for her at this time and we really don't know how long we'll be here. Impeccable timing. I recall, too, how my Dad started the downhill slide to his end a day or two after we arrived in Wisconsin last May.
I do have a few posts in the works to bring the Journal up to date, and I'll be back-publishing them one of these days. The ample time on my hands these days is offset by low levels of motivation. But as sure as a Wisconsin Winter gives way to Spring, this too will change.
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