July 1 - Bighorn Canyon NRA to Burgess Junction WY

Early (8:30a) departure from Horseshoe Bend CG in Bighorn Canyon. Stopped in Lovell for a few needed supplies and then headed east on 14A. This route has the steepest grades (10% and more in spots) going up and it certainly gave our naturally aspirated gasser Ford a good workout. But what a dramatic climb and view. Unfortunately it was very hazy today, not sure why, which limited how far we could see toward the horizon. Besides the haze, general weather condition was mostly sunny.

We took it slow, stopping various places along the way. Evaluating our options for a camp tonight, we had a choice of a few good NFS campgrounds up here in the mountains but things thinned out as we descended toward Sheridan and beyond. So we knocked off early and took a site in North Tongue CG NFS near Burgess Junction.


Miles today: 70 (odo 8766)
Elevation: 7893
Location: N44.780, W107.535
Camp: North Tongue CG NFS; $7.50 w/pass

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