July 10 - Burnsville MN to Lake City MN... and more Friends

Along the Mississippi. A week ago this wayside park
was completely under water.
Another short drive today, so no one was in a rush to hurry along our departure. Thanks Sue and Jim for a very enjoyable time. We try to stop here whenever we're through the area and will continue to do so. It' almost become another of our "homes away from the bushouse."

A simple drive over to the Mississippi River. Along our way we found a large series of concrete structures scattered throughout an overgrown field in rural Dakota County. Later investigation revealed that these are the immovable remnants of the Gopher Ordinance Works about which you can read more here. Briefly, it was a gunpowder plant built by the government during WWII. It only operated for a few years before being abandoned and dismantled.

Wonder what future archaeologists will think when they find these in the far distant future?

Another set of good friends we try to see whenever through this area are fellow nomadic travelers Doug and Kay. I've written before about them and how we like getting together and talking over plans for the future, ideal rigs for the nomadic life, and alternate ways of traveling and seeing the world. These two have lived on a sailboat for 5 years before their RV life and are far more experienced and varied in their modes of travel than we are. And every time we get together we come away with new ideas to chew on for the future. Here too, we kept the campfire embers burning long into the evening. With a bit of luck we'll probably see them again this winter somewhere in the Southwest. Thanks Doug and Kay for another enjoyable time.

Miles Today: 64 (odo 9742)
Location: Lake City, MN on Lake Pepin/ Mississippi River
Weather: Good weather
Camp: at Doug and Kay's place in Lake City.

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